Episode 14 – Leveraging Technology to Transform Veterinary Practices

What Causes Digital Transformations to Fail in the Veterinary Industry?

Organizations go through a digital transformation when they pay more attention to the range and influence of digital technology to obtain discoveries and adapt their work method, much like your veterinary practice.

The deeper and more complete the digital transformation is, the more effective it will become. When a veterinary practice undergoes a digital transformation, it is a breath of fresh air, propagating a wealth of opportunities for organization and customer satisfaction.


This system upgrade allows the practice to become more efficient and effective. Consequently, even though the focus of business activities is shifting more and more toward digital assets, those activities’ procedures are being rethought to make the most of the qualities unique to digital content.


Why is Digital Transformation Failing?

Although a select few practices are seeing significant success due to digital technology, the majority of veterinary practices are currently undergoing digital transformations, on average, produce very modest benefits. Practices are investing huge amounts of money into projects referred to as digital transformation, but a high number of those attempts fail to pay dividends.


The Results of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Even though Covid-19 is speeding up a significant transformation, these obstacles may prevent any organization from fully realizing its digital transformation goals. Below are a few key obstacles preventing your veterinary practice from accomplishing digital transformation goals.

Inability to Reach an Agreement Coupled with the Proliferation of Silos

All too frequently, vets are under the impression that they need to move faster than what is acceptable for their office, customer base, or understanding of the profession. Yet, this thought process can result in overly aggressive timetables.

Unfortunately, employees are not advised properly, and as a result, they do not completely comprehend all the issues the practice is trying to address with a digital transformation. Consequently, there is no unanimity at the beginning over the “why.”


The Why

The question of why we undertake this transformation must be asked and answered, not only for the practice team but for the whole business. People tend to withdraw into the safety of their group or colleagues and keep their thoughts down when they cannot articulate the reasons for their actions. Because of this, internal silos are formed to accommodate the expected outputs.

A business that is agile and collaborative should strive to break down silos wherever possible. It is of the utmost importance to ensure that each team member is on the same page from the beginning. Each team member should be fully aware of the issues the practice needs to mitigate.


The Mentality of a Lone Wolf

Surprisingly, many practices underestimate the ability, professional skills, and competencies inside their ranks. They conclude that doing it alone is the best way to undergo a significant change. Because new technology, combined with rapid rates and delivery, is increasingly becoming the standard, it has become too tough to remain ahead of the competition without the assistance of a specialist.

Taking a more comprehensive perspective of the network of partners, selecting the appropriate technology partners, and considering them an intrinsic part of the execution plan, are all good things to do.


The Beginning of Change Occurs at the Very Top

Prepare to deal with disconnects as well as conflicting interests. You should communicate with the top management and define the attempted achievement and the problem they are trying to solve. This mutual understanding will guarantee that everyone is working on the same page. Plus, this transparency will assist in painting a more comprehensive view of what the future practice will appear like and ensuring that all partners are on board with the transformation program and the business objectives.


Digital Transformation Framework

This framework identifies five focal areas to gain an awareness of digital technologies’ influence and to build comprehension of a practice’s digital transformation impression.



This method entails transferring information such as data, operations, and other practice assets into digital representations. Physical assets can nearly always be reproduced or substituted by their electronic counterparts. Digitization allows for increased access, improved quality, the ability to share, and increased processing capability for the objects in question. By acting in this manner, you will create new business problems and possibilities inside established markets and innovative solutions with a digital approach.


Digital Process

The digital process entails implementing technologies to support important tasks for the practice and use them to their best capacity. The availability and access to electronic assets and the deployment of digital systems and processes have made it possible for organizations to revamp the established control and core operational capabilities in a variety of domains, including:

  • Management of human resources
  • Advertising
  • Point of sales
  • Help desks
  • Supply chain management


Digital Value Analysis

This process comprises the utilization of digital technologies to develop new value sources depending on the materials and items that are made, recorded, and evaluated data, and tracked activities and behaviours. Digital technology is increasingly getting used to guarantee that higher intelligence is used not only for developing goods and services but also to obtain additional insight into the manufacturing, dissemination, and usage of those products and services.


Digital Business Model Innovation

Digital Business Model Innovation entails reorganizing and reframing pre-existing markets and ecosystems to foster the development of new prospects for digital practice. When existing physical items are replaced by online services or tangible goods creating an actual digital footprint, those businesses’ nature is accessible to serious disturbance from new providers with fundamentally different practice models. These examples come from various industries, but they all point to the same conclusion.


Digital Organizational Transformation

This process requires a restructuring strategy to suit digital technology and practice formats, which necessitates changing business structures to accommodate the new approach. Many practices engaged in competition in marketplaces that have been digitally disrupted are rethinking how they should arrange their labour, supply chain, governing bodies, and other core aspects.



As the world continues to develop digitally, digital transformation is crucial. The veterinary sector needs to adapt to the times and prevent adoption failure. To do this, one must be familiar with the fundamentals of digital transformation.

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