Episode 14 – Leveraging Technology to Transform Veterinary Practices

Most practice managers concur that it is practically impossible to prepare for every conceivable scenario because demanding clients arrive in a wide variety, from clients nervous about an upcoming operation on a pet to those angry about their bill. Veterinary advisors emphasize the significance of reacting promptly and effectively to these difficulties since failing to handle a displeased customer can have significant consequences for a clinic.

When someone complains about them, veterinarians and veterinary nurses are frequently and understandably disappointed, even in the best-run offices. Despite having the best intentions, management may experience isolation and fear repercussions when handling complaints.

It is crucial that people attempt not to take complaints personally and that the practice works together to respond to complaints constructively since, on the plus side, complaints can present a chance for reflection and enhance the calibre of care that the practice is providing.

To summarize, a complaint is crucial for this reason. A complaint often has two components: one that begins as a “regulatory” problem and the other that develops from a “consumer foundation.”

Dealing with Complaints

Demonstrating (and confirming) that, as veterinary professionals, you uphold the RCVS’s professional code of conduct is an essential first step in fending off such accusations. Ultimately, this will serve as the standard by which you will get evaluated.

Then, to guide you in deciding how to respond to a complaint, it is essential to consider your obligations to your clients. Putting yourself in the complainant’s shoes is one of the better methods to handle complaints (and, to some extent, reduce the likelihood of future complaints).

The following guidance could be beneficial. Veterinarians must respect their patient’s needs and expectations while being upfront and honest with them. You must address any concerns and criticism swiftly, thoroughly, and politely.

You should provide unbiased recommendations. You should disclose any conflicts of interest to your client and give them the necessary information about the practice, such as the price of any services or medications. Effectively communicate with your customers in writing and spoken English, and be sure to have their informed permission before performing any treatments or operations. Never provide a client’s personal information to a third party without that person’s consent.

However, you should note that the RCVS will only address the most pressing issues, i.e., those that will influence your practice and your ability to have a position as a veterinarian or veterinary nurse. This option will entail actions that dwell far below a veterinary practitioner’s standards.

Suppose a complaint gets made against you or your practice. In that case, you must immediately get in touch with your professional indemnity insurance, heed the advice on continuing strictly rather than any other direction, and obtain the required legal counsel.


Maintaining a Healthy Vet-Client Relationship

Practice owners and managers deal with client interactions daily, and fostering these connections is essential to a company’s success. The veterinarian-client relationship is crucial to ensuring that our patients receive the care they require and is an integral feature of veterinary practice.

A great working connection frequently affects whether a customer brings their pet in for routine checks, follows treatment instructions, or even takes suggestions for pet product recommendations with an open mind. As a result, in addition to our medical expertise and experience, our ability to give the most remarkable patient results ultimately depends on our relationship with the animal’s owner. In improving the vet-client relationship, it is necessary to do the following:


Knowing what Customers will Need

Building relationships with your customers is a wise marketing decision that enables you to foresee their requirements and make continual modifications to improve your organization over time. You will find yourself better positioned to guarantee customer satisfaction with your products or services and position yourself for new chances when you take the time to understand your consumers’ demands.


Learn About Your Clients

Even if you believe you have a solid grasp of your client’s motivations and what they want from you, you might be surprised by the number of ways to learn more about them.


Do Outstanding Work

Your work should be of the highest calibre possible while establishing partnerships. Of course, ensuring your customers are pleased will be essential to preventing complaints.


Maintain Regular Contact with Your Clients

Communication is vital in all relationships, but it’s especially crucial in ones with pet parents. You can develop the habit of communicating effectively by responding quickly to customer calls and emails, setting up frequent check-ins, and connecting with your clients on social media.


Engage in Client Feedback

It’s critical to get customer input. You may ask them informally after their pet consultation or take a formal approach by employing a customer satisfaction survey (there are many examples online). However, the most crucial stage in receiving consumer feedback is developing a strategy for responding to issues or critiques and resolving to enhance your company’s operations.



A veterinarian practice’s business plan should place a strong emphasis on having close, devoted customer relationships. Your customer interactions set you apart from the competition and lay the groundwork for a positive customer experience. Strong client connections may result in more dependable veterinarian care, more compliance, better patient outcomes, and devoted clients for your business.

Some complaints seem to come out of nowhere, while others may seem to have a predetermined consequence. Through mediation, it has become evident that veterinary offices aren’t involved in a dispute because they deliberately let down a customer. When you view complaints objectively, it becomes apparent that many of them result from miscommunication or misunderstandings. Ultimately, these factors influence complaints more than issues like inadequate management and service.

It’s challenging to evaluate yourself. If you spend the day fretting over and evaluating every action and decision you make, you will never get anything done. Therefore, the inclination is to address complaints as effectively as possible without causing too much collateral harm because they are a feature of life. Life carries on after the team members receive counselling and training.

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