Episode 14 – Leveraging Technology to Transform Veterinary Practices

Have you heard about the new government recovery grant? The government has announced that it has put aside £20 million of funding to go to small and medium sized businesses like yours!

Veterinary practices will have access to grants from £1,000 to £5,000 to help them access new technology and other equipment in an attempt to help them recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

And the great news is, as it’s a grant you don’t have to repay it. And there’s no financial contribution needed from you at all! The thing is, there’s only £250k allocated to each area. And we think that will go quickly.

The Coronavirus pandemic has highlighted just how important your IT is to futureproof your practice and keep your teams working no matter what. A grant like this could help you to:

  • Gain more flexibility, resiliency and reliability by implementing a cloud phone system;
  • Ensure you have the most secure and flexible method of remote access in place for your team
  • Invest in a robust Telemedicine platform
  • Replace current workstations with more mobile ready equipment (giving the client in the car park a smoother experience)
  • Cyber training, as your people are more at risk whilst working remotely
  • Get your infrastructure up to scratch e.g. getting rid of Windows 7 machines etc.

Although not yet available for release, the funds will be distributed by your local Growth Hub (which you can locate here) who are busy gathering required evidence and process documentation to enable them to administer in line with government policy.

We’ll let you know when the grant applications are open. In the meantime if you’d like to have a chat with us about where we think your tech would most benefit from a boost just call us on 0808 196 2041 or book a slot with one of our experts via this link.

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